Skills Framework 7.0
The new version includes the skills framework itself (AI-powered skills framework scenario), along with the definitions of the levels of responsibility used in the framework. If you receive a request or are a signed-in user, you will have access to various Excel spreadsheets containing the framework data, templates, patterns, and PDF documentation.
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SEFIX Skills Framework
The SEFIX Framework covers a wide range of skills and competencies in software engineering, as well as those related to information technology.
- Software Product Development
- Embedded System Development
- AUTOSAR Embedded System Development
- Software Development Outsourcing
- Software Product Analysis and Design
- Software Product Testing
- Digital Transformation
- Blockchain and Fintech
- Cloud Computing
- Data Engineering
- Artificial Intelligence
- Cyber Security
- Data Migration
Are you ready to specialize in one? If you want your work to be more productive, rewarding, and fulfilling, learn more here.
View details »Popular Technology and Platform
Our clients shared a report on workforce reskilling, revealing that many engineers reported a mismatch between the skills they possess and the skills required for their current job or project. As a result, SEFIX conducted [a study/research] highlighting the importance of transforming and updating the technology skills of the workforce in the software industry.
- Microsoft Technology
- Java Technology
- IBM Technology
- Apple Technology
- Oracle Technology
- Google Technology
- Automobile
- Aerospace
- Blockchain
Are you ready to specialize in one? If you want your skills to become more professional, powerful, and impactful, learn more here.
View details »Software Engineering
Learn how to develop specialized skills in software engineering that will make you a better professional, enable you to take on more responsibility, and drive success in both your work and career path in the software industry.
- AI/ML/DL Engineer
- Python Engineer
- Embedded Engineer
- AUTOSAR Embedded Engineer
- Automotive Engineer
- Software Development Engineer
- Software Scrum Master
- Mobile Development Engineer
- Big Data Engineer
- Database Engineer
- Data Lake and Data Warehouse Engineer
- Security Engineer
- DevOps Engineer
- CMS/CRM Engineer
- Software Project Manager
- Software Product Manager
- Software Product Owner
- Software Solution Architect
Each of the following crucial specialized skills is described in the job skills patterns. Learn more by viewing them.
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